Georgia Homeschooling Laws

Oh, sweet Georgia! Ready to navigate the thrilling world of home study programs? Buckle up, darling, because here are your steps to becoming the sassiest homeschooling extraordinaire in the Peach State while complying with Georgia homeschooling laws.

Step 1: Get Your Glam Qualifications

To lead this homeschooling parade, you gotta be a parent or legal guardian. No, you can’t just hire a circus clown – you need someone with at least a high school diploma or a GED. It’s a homeschooling party, not a carnival!

Step 2: Strut Your Declaration of Intent

Within 30 days of launching your homeschooling shindig, and every year by September 1, drop your “declaration of intent to utilize a home study program” like it’s hot. Find the latest declaration dance moves on the Georgia Department of Education’s website. Names, ages, location – it’s like the RSVP of the coolest homeschooling bash in town.

Step 3: Clock In Those School Days

Forget snoozing through the year – you need 180 days of glam education. Each day is at least four and a half hours long, unless your kiddo is physically too fabulous to comply. School days are like fashion – you gotta make a statement!

Step 4: Teach, Darling, Teach!

Your home study program must be more fab than a fashion show. Include reading, language arts, math, social studies, and science – it’s the academic runway of your dreams!

Step 5: Strut Your Progress Report

End the school year with a bang! Write up a report on the dazzling progress your child made in each subject. Keep it in your records for three years, just in case someone questions your homeschooling slayage. No need to send it to the school officials – it’s your personal progress diary.

Step 6: Testing, Darling, Testing!

Every three years after 3rd grade, it’s time for a little knowledge runway show. Test your child, but not without a backstage consultation with someone trained in test drama. Results are for your eyes only – no need to share them with the school officials. Check out more about this glittery testing and evaluation extravaganza.

And there you have it, Georgia! Homeschooling like a boss – legally, sassy, and with a touch of Southern charm. Remember, darlings, this info is like a fashion trend – reviewed by an attorney, but not your personal style advice. Work it!

Learn more at:

Homeschool Fox

Time 4 Learning

CRHE Coalition for Responsible Home Education