Montana Homeschooling Laws

Here’s how to make sure you are complying with Montana homeschooling laws:

Send a friendly wave to the superintendent

First of all, to my compliant with Montana Homeschooling Laws, each school year (July 1–June 30), let your county’s school boss know you’re ready to homeschool by filing a notice of intent. HSLDA members can snag their magical form to make it super easy!

Keep track of learning adventures and health check-ups

Make sure to jot down your child’s attendance and keep their immunization records handy (or show that they have a medical or religious exemption). These should be ready to share with the county superintendent if they ask.

Rack up the learning hours

For kiddos in grades 1–3, make sure they get 720 hours of instruction. For the older adventurers (grades 4–12), they’ll need 1,080 hours of brainpower-building each year.

Dive into the subjects that matter

Your homeschool should include all the good stuff: English, math, social studies, science, health, arts, and career prep. It’s like a curriculum treasure chest!

Keep things safe and sound

Ensure your home meets the local health and safety guidelines so it’s a cozy, safe place to learn.

P.S. This info has been checked by an attorney, but it’s not personal legal advice—just a helping hand on your homeschooling journey!

Learn more at:

Homeschool Fox

Time 4 Learning

CRHE Coalition for Responsible Home Education