There is some exciting news to share with our homeschool community— The Homeschool Fox app for logging homeschool hours has launched! It’s a platform for homeschool educators looking to streamline their system for logging hours. It’s designed to make documenting activities easy.

Log homeschool hours easily

Stay organized and optimize life as a homeschool educator with easy-to-use logging tools.

Enroll multiple students

Easily manage and track progress for an unlimited number of children in one space.

Customizable subjects

Customize subjects based on your children’s unique curriculum. Label each subject as “core” or “non-core to ensure you are reaching the mandatory amount of hours for each category.

Yearly goals

Set yearly goals for each child to help you see at a quick glance how many hours they have completed and how many they still need to reach.


Quickly access records on the go using any desktop or mobile device.

Real time reminders

Update your settings to send a reminder to log hours via email or text.

Easy to use

The intuitive interface makes it simple to navigate without a learning curve. To log hours, you will simply create a new activity. You can be as detailed or minimal in your record-keeping as you would like. You have the option to write a full description of the lesson, upload photos if you want, and label it under the subject category.

Add lump sum hours

Many of us homeschool educators start logging hours for the school year on July 1st, so if you start using the app after that and would like to to see the hours you have accumulated reflected in your account without having to backlog everything… no problem! We have come up with a simple solution for that. Add Lump Sum Hours — While activities update stats automatically, use this form to backfill any hours already accrued for the year. Once added, these cannot be removed.

Feedback welcome!

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, feedback or suggestions for improvement while using it. Email me anytime at [email protected].

You got this!

-Teacher Alyssa | Chief Education Enthusiast (CEE)

Try the Homeschool Fox App For Logging Homeschool Hours

👉 Get the Homeschool Fox app


Alyssa is the creative mind behind Homeschool Fox. Her mission is to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences for her children while connecting with other homeschool families. She is an entrepreneurial-minded designer and real estate investor, but most importantly to her, is her role as a devoted wife and mom of three. Her educational background includes the attainment of a Master of Arts degree in Strategic Communication and Leadership and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design and Public Relations. She believes her knowledge, skills, and experience helps enhance her community building efforts and teaching methodologies as a homeschool educator.

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